Made in China 2025, why should the robot industry be the focus of development?

Made in China 2025, why should the robot industry be the focus of development?

In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's social and economic landscape has undergone earth-shaking changes. China has also become the only country in the world with all the industrial categories of the United Nations. The biggest achievement of the 40 years of reform and opening up is that China's manufacturing has successfully developed from simple assembly to a complete industrial chain from raw materials, design, production, sales to installation services. China has also moved from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power. In this context, the proposal of the "Made in China 2025" plan has determined the guiding ideology that industry is the foundation of the country from the national level. From the basic policy of "innovation-driven, quality-first, green development, structural optimization, and talent-based" of the Made in China 2025 plan, we can see the firm determination of our Party and government to realize the strategic goal of manufacturing power through three steps. So, to achieve this goal, why focus on the robotics industry? What role will it play in our journey to great power? This article will use the most basic three-axis servo manipulator to achieve injection molding automation solutions to achieve efficiency reduction to explain the important role of the robot industry in our road to power.

Looking at the basic policy of Made in China 2025, we find that the guidelines of our manufacturing industry have changed from the market-for-technology primary processing industry at the beginning of the reform to the new guidelines emphasizing innovative quality, and as the final, the basic policy of Made in China 2025 emphasizes talents. So, what is the relationship between innovation-driven, quality-first and talent-oriented and the important role of the three-axis servo manipulator to achieve injection molding automation on the road to a strong country that we mentioned at the beginning of this article, and what is the relationship between the robot industry emphasized in the Made in China 2025 plan? What role does it play in the reduction of staff in the injection molding industry?

Servo manipulator was introduced into China by Taiwan enterprises in the early 21st century and gradually applied in coastal areas, a group of visionary engineering and technical personnel who first came into contact with injection molding automation industry began to get involved in the research and introduction of injection molding automation field of servo manipulator, from the initial technology introduction, simple imitation assembly, To complete the technology accumulation in the field of servo manipulator injection molding automation to catch up. After more than ten years of development, the best of them, such as Siweike Automation, has grown into a well-known domestic and international leading injection molding automation equipment manufacturer, and has realized the industry-wide layout of the research and development, production and application of injection molding automation solutions from rotary arm, three-axis servo manipulator and three-axis servo manipulator.

Talking about the efficiency of automation, why do we continue to emphasize the automation of the injection molding industry here? Friends who pay attention to China's manufacturing industry know that "labor shortage" is definitely one of the hottest words in China's real economy in recent years. After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China's economy, especially the rapid development of the Internet economy, people's career concept, especially young people's employment concept, has undergone tremendous changes. Different from the family pressure borne by the post-70s and post-80s, the post-90s and post-00s can obtain more economic skills from their parents after more than 20 years of accumulation by their parents, so that they can consider their own interests and development prospects more in the choice of careers. Nowadays, young people are generally unwilling to choose workshop work, especially in the injection molding industry, many injection molding workshops can reach more than 40 degrees in the summer, and the harsh production environment further aggravates the difficulty of recruiting workers. Therefore, the application of injection molding automation system plays a crucial role in the efficiency of the injection molding industry.

The role of the injection molding automation system of the three-axis servo manipulator in reducing staff and increasing efficiency in the injection molding industry has been fully reflected in the production of pipe fittings. Take the automatic system of Seweike three-axis servo manipulator for embedding tube fittings as an example, this system is based on the development of 1 out of 8 moulds of 300 tons injection molding machine, and uses Seweike three-axis servo manipulator SW6712S as the core manipulator to complete the taking of inserts, burying the inserts, taking the finished products, and placing the finished products in the designated position to complete the shear separation of the water nozzle. The entire system costs less than 200,000 yuan and can help leading pipe fitting companies increase production by 20% while reducing staff by one-third. The service life of the equipment can reach 5~8 years, basically 8~10 months can recover the cost, and the economic benefits are very considerable. At the same time, the application of automation system can greatly reduce the labor intensity of front-line employees and effectively reduce the mobility of enterprise employees.

With the more and more extensive application of communication technology in servo manipulator control system, the future combination of three-axis servo manipulator and artificial intelligence will drive the further development of injection molding automation. With the wide application of big data and cloud computing in the industrial field, the low-cost advantages of three-axis servo robot injection molding automation solutions and the non-regional characteristics of cloud manufacturing can better integrate upstream and downstream resources, improve product quality, reduce production costs, and achieve industrial upgrading.

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